Cranberry Holiday Wreath

Cranberry Holiday Wreath

Cranberry Holiday Wreath
  • Prep Time

    1 hour



1- 12" (30 cm) evergreen wreath

1 thin needle

5 yards (500 cm) of strong cord or waxed dental floss, cut into 5 36" (100 cm) lengths

1 bag (350 g) Ocean Spray® Fresh Cranberries


Cranberry Ball:

1 - 5" (15 cm) Styrofoam ball (or choice of sizes)

Dark red craft paint (suitable for painting Styrofoam)

1 bag (350 g) Ocean Spray® Fresh Cranberries

1 box (approx. 300)metal pins with small flat heads, approx. 1" (2.5 cm) long

1 - 12-18" (30-45 cm) length of 3/4" (2 cm) wide red ribbon

1 - 48" (120 cm) length of 3/4" (2 cm) wide red ribbon

1 longueur de 48 po (120 cm) de ruban décoratif rouge de ¾ po (2 cm)


To make the wreath: Start with one 36'' (100 cm) length of thread and a thin needle. Knot one end of the thread and add Ocean Spray&reg; Fresh Cranberries one at a time by piercing through the center with the needle. Continue to end of the thread; secure end with a large knot. Repeat with the 4 remaining lengths of thread. To make stringing cranberries easier, use waxed dental floss or try waxing the needle and thread with beeswax. Wrap each strand around the wreath 3-4 times. To make the ball: Paint Styrofoam ball with red paint. Set aside to dry. Note: painting the Styrofoam ensures that any spaces between the cranberries will be less noticeable. Insert pins through each cranberry and press into foam, placing berries as closely together as possible.Continue until all areas of the foam are covered with cranberries. Note: completing a section of berries close together is easier than continuing a single row all the way around the sphere.

To assemble: Lay the 12-18'' (30-45 cm) ribbon length over the top of the wreath with the ends hanging down into the middle. Pin each end of the ribbon to the ball so it hangs in the middle of the wreath. To complete, attach the 48'' (120 cm) ribbon at the top of the ball and tie a bow.

Wreath will last approximately one week. Discard once berries begin to soften. To extend the life of your wreath, you can spray with an even coating of shellac.To avoid staining, do not place directly on lightly-painted surfaces or linens. Caution: for the safety of wildlife and birds, do not use shellac if you plan to hang wreath outdoors.

La couronne dure environ une semaine. La jeter lorsque les canneberges commenceront &agrave; ramollir. Afin de prolonger la dur&eacute;e de vie de cette couronne, on peut l&rsquo;enduire d&rsquo;une couche uniforme de gomme laque. Afin d&rsquo;&eacute;viter de faire des taches, ne pas appliquer la gomme sur des surfaces ou tissus clairs. Mise en garde: pour la s&eacute;curit&eacute; de la faune, &eacute;viter d&rsquo;utiliser la laque gomme si vous suspendez la couronne &agrave; l&rsquo;ext&eacute;rieur.