Great Start Cranberry Raspberry Shake

Great Start Cranberry Raspberry Shake

Great Start Cranberry Raspberry Shake
  • Prep Time

    5 minutes
  • Cooking Time

  • Serving Size

    2 servings


<span data-sheets-value="{'1':2,'2':'1 cup (250 mL) each frozen raspberries and low fat vanilla frozen yogurt 2 cups (500 mL) Ocean Spray® Low Calorie Cranberry Cocktail 1 tbsp (15 mL) natural bran (optional)'}" data-sheets-userformat="{'2':515,'3':{'1':0},'4':[null,2,16750848],'12':0}">1 cup (250 mL) each frozen raspberries and low fat vanilla frozen yogurt

2 cups (500 mL) Ocean Spray&reg; Low Calorie Cranberry Cocktail

1 tbsp (15 mL) natural bran (optional)</span>

1 c. à table (15 mL) son naturel (facultatif)


Combine yogurt and raspberries with low calorie cranberry cocktail and bran (if using) in a blender. Cover and blend for 1 minute or until thick and frothy.

Makes 2 servings.

*As seen in the April 2004 issue of Homemakers/ Madame