The Limelight

Prep Time
5 minutesCooking Time
n/aServing Size
1 serving
1 oz (30 mL) Smirnoff Lime Vodka 3 oz (90 mL) Ocean Spray® 100% Juice Blend Cranberry & Pomegranate 2 oz (60 mL) lemon-lime soda 1 lime wheel, for garnish'}" data-sheets-userformat="{'2':515,'3':{'1':0},'4':[null,2,15374745],'12':0}">1 oz (30 mL) Smirnoff Lime Vodka 3 oz (90 mL) Ocean Spray® 100% Juice Blend - Cranberry & Pomegranate 2 oz (60 mL) lemon-lime soda 1 lime wheel, for garnish
Fill a tall glass with ice and add all ingredients. Serve garnished with a lime wheel. Recipe brought to you by the LCBO