White Cranberry Party Punch

Prep Time
5 minutesCooking Time
n/aServing Size
15 servings
1 bottle (1.89L) Ocean Spray® White Cranberry Cocktail, chilled 8 oz (250mL) lemon lime soda 4 oz (125mL) orange juice 2 cups (500mL) lime sherbet, softened'}" data-sheets-userformat="{'2':515,'3':{'1':0},'4':[null,2,15374745],'12':0}">1 bottle (1.89L) Ocean Spray® White Cranberry Cocktail, chilled 8 oz (250mL) lemon lime soda 4 oz (125mL) orange juice 2 cups (500mL) lime sherbet, softened
Combine all ingredients, except sherbet, in a large punch bowl. Gently stir. Float scoops of softened sherbet on top of punch just before serving. Makes 15 (6 oz/3/4 cup/175mL) servings